
Observatory is a free .NET library that lets you create beautiful, interactive plots.

With Observatory, you create and launch visualizations directly in .NET via the API:

// C#
using ObservatoryLib;


Plot3d plot = new Plot3d();

Observatory has tools for visualizing numerical data in a variety of ways: scatter plots, histograms, heat maps, images, mathematical functions, and more.

I've done my best to make it super easy to launch a basic plot, but there are also more advanced features that give you a great deal of flexibility to customize your plotting environments.

Package & Download

You can use Observatory for both .NET Framework 4.7.2+ and .NET 6.0+ (Windows) projects.

The easiest way to reference Observatory is with NuGet:

You can also download the Observatory assemblies directly.

Getting Started

Learn how to use Observatory by downloading the Observatory.Examples project from GitHub.

Help & Support

For FAQs and help, please join our Discord server!


If you have questions, concerns, or ideas for improvement, please let me know. I'd' love to hear how you're using Observatory, and I appreciate any feedback!

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